Title: The hat [Comic version]
Author: Ligeia
Pairing: HP/SS
Rating: PG, almost G
Category: romance, WAFF, drabble/ficlet
Summary: "Merry Christmas, professor!"
A/N: Written for the snape_potter lj community. Rainy_days found a picture of Alan Rickman wearing a woollen hat and asked for a bit of hat-related fanfiction. And since I'm here to please...
A/N 2: Comic version

All characters in the Harry Potter universe belong to JK Rowling. I'm just a devoted fan with an overactive imagination.

The hat

"Professor!" Harry Potter called, following professor Severus Snape as he left the Great Hall on Christmas morning.

The Potions master turned and glared at the approaching boy. "What do you want, Potter?"

"Err..." Harry looked around the corridor and shoved something into Snape's hands. "Merry Christmas," he mumbled and ran off toward the Gryffindor dormitory.

Dumbfounded, Snape stared at Potter's retreating form until it disappeared around the corner. He hid the present (something soft to the touch, wrapped in red and silver gift paper) in the folds of his black robes and walked back to his personal chambers.


Boxing Day was cold and windy. Shortly after lunch it had started snowing again and the few students who were staying at Hogwarts during the holidays were all inside, either in the library or in their respective Common Rooms.

Harry was staring absently out of the window when he saw him. A lean, black figure, standing out sharply against the white layer of snow and ice. A wide smile appeared on the boy's face when he saw the woollen, handmade hat the man was wearing.
