UPDATES 24th December 2024: New CSI ficlet collection: Nick/Greg Advent Ficlets 2024 (Nick/Greg, PG-13). 15th June 2024: New Lupin III fic: Not friends (Lupin/Jigen, NC-17). DISCLAIMER You'll find slash fanfiction in this site, that is, fictional stories about homosexual relationships, some of which have explicit content. If the idea of two men together bothers you, I suggest you to leave, this site isn't for you. If, on the other hand, slash is what you're looking for, you're more than welcome. Go on and enjoy. Definition of fanfiction and slash fiction on Wikipedia.org. Italiano: C'è anche una sezione in italiano. Alcuni racconti sono la traduzione di storie che ho scritto originariamente in inglese, altri sono solamente in italiano. La maggioranza dei racconti presenti in questo sito, comunque, è in inglese. Deutsch: Ich hab auch ein paar Fanfics auf Deutsch geschrieben (Die Ärzte und Richy Guitar), aber die sind Ausnahmen: fast alle Geschichten auf dieser Seite wurden auf Englisch geschrieben. |